Sunday, November 02, 2008

WILD COMBINATION: a portrait of Arthur Russell

Matt Wolf has been working diligently on this film for the last half a decade or a so and it is finally paying off. The documentary is set for retail release this November, thanks to Plexifilm, and is still making the rounds in independent theatres across the globe.

I emailed Matt to try and set up a screening about a year ago and was told that there was definitely going to be a screening at some point in Austin and to keep looking on the website,, for more details.

The day has finally arrived. Tomorrow at the Alamo Ritz, there will be a screening of the film for the music mondays series at 930. I would suggest getting there early to get a seat.

If you dont get to the screening, End of an Ear will have the dvd for sale in a couple of weeks.

The film was great as expected. The interview footage with Arthur's parents was so charming and touching, my eyes were watery at some points.
Just knowing that Russell was a work-a-holic and he recorded so much material makes me extremely happy and I hope that Audika and any other label continues to release it all. The spotlight he desperately seeked is now forever shining on him.

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